Sunday, November 11, 2007

Media: The Magic of Pairing

The most important thing that I gained from Milner and Milner's chapter on media was the power of pairing. If I plan on utilizing media in my classroom, I need to be sure that it matches the purpose for my lesson and the material that I am covering. I really appreciated all of the examples that Milner and Milner provided to complement classic texts or themes with modern pieces. I think that it is VERY important to really consider how media can work within a specific classroom within a specific period. Some students may really enjoy the connections between literature and paintings, while others may feel that music works more effectively. It might take trial-and-error exercises before teachers can really understand what media is best suited for each class.

Milner and Milner discussed music, film, comics, magazines, and advertising as different ways to engage students further in a piece of writing or grammar concept. One of my personal favorite suggestions presented was the idea of having a class make a one-time issue of a grammar magazine. Grammar is an area in the English curriculum that students should be encouraged to be creative in and make their own. Class magazines can incorporate the individual experiences and personalities that comprise the group to produce a unique, educational product. As a teacher, I will try my best to use different forms of media throughout the year to keep students surprised, yet appreciative of the helpful tools that exist in our everyday life.

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